Leaving behind the kitchen sink

Culture, India, Literature, Music, Stories, Storytelling, Travel

Just two days to go. I’m fully jabbed, basically packed, have more medicine in my bag than is stocked at most high street chemists; mozzie net bought, visa sorted, travel itinerary arranged, dog booked into kennels and work….well I’m working through the to-do list, but it never seems to get shorter.

I have many books to read, enough last-minute bits of work to keep my busy for at least three airborne circumnavigations of the globe, but more than anything, I’m excited. I’ve always yearned to visit India, and to be invited to go there to make links for Wales’ storytelling, literature, music and culture is something of an amazing treat. To quote Maria in the Sound of Music….“somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.”

I’m not travelling alone. David Ambrose, Artistic Director of Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival and fellow storyteller and psychologist Steve  Killick will be great travel companions. As always when storytellers travel together, adventures turn into epics, and tales grow by the telling, I therefore expect this trip to take on mythic proportions, about 20 minutes after departure from Heathrow on Sunday I expect.

Think I need to rationalise the luggage somewhat!

Think I need to rationalise the luggage somewhat!

Now, my only problem is that I have a hold luggage weight limit of just 15kg for our internal flight from Jaipur to Raipur at the beginning of the second week. That limits the weight for the whole trip, so I guess I’ll keep the water purification tablets but have to leave the kitchen sink behind.

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